








ダーウィンのことばをもじっていうなら、"The survival of the fittest, not necessarily the smartest or strongest"です。

環境に適応(fit, adapt) する勇気すらなければ、学校英語教育はますます社会からの信頼を失うでしょう。テクノロジーに対して感情的な反発をすればするほど、新しい環境への対応準備が遅れるだけです。








上の記事を作成した時点で、Moonbeamについては、Inside Higher Edに次の記事がありました。

Machines Can Craft Essays. How Should Writing Be Taught Now?



以下の英文は、無料で使えるAIのMoonbeam (https://app.gomoonbeam.com/) が生み出したエッセイです。AIへの入力は基本的に、タイトル (The Need for Government Regulation of the Internet) とキーワード (Silicon Valley business model, covert data collection, Internet addiction) だけでした。 

The following is an essay generated by Moonbeam (https://app.gomoonbeam.com/), a free AI. The human input was virtually only the title (The Need for Government Regulation of the Internet) and keywords (Silicon Valley business model, covert data collection, Internet addiction).


The Need for Government Regulation of the Internet

The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers, and since its inception, governments have sought to control and regulate it. In recent years, the need for government regulation has become more urgent as technology companies have adopted a business model that relies on data collection to target users with advertisements and generate profits. Furthermore, companies often employ covert data collection techniques to collect even more data from users without their knowledge or consent. Finally, the overuse or misuse of the Internet can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including addiction. All of these issues make it essential for governments to regulate the Internet in order to protect users from the risks posed by unchecked data collection and addiction-inducing experiences.

Silicon Valley companies have a business model that relies on data collection to target users with advertisements and generate profits. This model has been highly successful, but it has also raised concerns about privacy violations and misuse of personal information. Companies collect vast amounts of data from users and use it to create detailed profiles that can be used to target marketing campaigns. Without government regulation, companies can continue to collect data without users’ knowledge or consent, creating a risk of privacy violations and misuse of personal information.

In addition to collecting data from users, companies often employ covert data collection techniques to collect even more data without their knowledge or consent. Companies can use “cookies” to track user activity on websites and across multiple devices, as well as employ software algorithms to collect data from social media posts. Without government regulation, companies can continue to employ these techniques with impunity, creating a risk of privacy violations and misuse of personal information.

The overuse or misuse of the Internet can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including addiction. Common examples include compulsive online gaming, shopping, or social media use. Without government regulation, companies can continue to create addictive experiences without any accountability, creating a risk of addiction and other negative effects.

In summary, government regulation of the Internet is necessary to ensure the safety and security of users, limit the power of large technology companies, and protect against addiction and other issues. Governments around the world have a responsibility to regulate the Internet in order to protect users from the risks posed by unchecked data collection and addiction-inducing experiences. Without such regulation, users will be left vulnerable to exploitation by large technology companies and risk developing unhealthy addictions that can have long-term consequences on their physical and mental health.





引用:Adaptive challengesとは、過去の成功方程式では解決できない挑戦であり、問題解決をする当事者自身も変わる必要がある課題です。当事者には、これまでの成功体験だけでなく、価値観や自己認識などの信念、はてはこれまでの制度や規則までも廃棄して変えることがしばしば求められます。

