













1. OpenAI o1 pro の Deep Researchに以下の調査を命じる:Did Niklas Luhmann, a sociologist, say something like, "It's not humans but communications that communicates"? I want to extend an argument that when academic papers proliferate due to the exponentially enhanced productivity of artificial intelligence, it is the productions and interactions by artificial intelligence, rather than humans, that conduct academic communication. So, can you first investigate what Luhman said about the subject or agent of communication? Second, can you assess the validity of my argument above?
2. Deep Researchが調査を始めるにあたっての3つの質問に答える(詳細省略)。
3. Deep Researchが約4分後に出してきたレポート(英語)を読む。
4. OpenAI o1 pro に上のレポートに基づきエッセイを書くように指示する。エッセイの条件はいくつか提示(詳細省略)
5. OpenAI o1 pro がまもなく出力したエッセイを読み、もう少し読みやすくするように指示(詳細省略)
6. OpenAI o1 proが改訂したエッセイの2箇所だけ訂正して、日本語に翻訳するように指示。
7. OpenAI o1 proはやはり「です・ます」調の日本語翻訳を出力したので、それを「だ・である」調に変換するように指示。
8. OpenAI o1 proの出力を1箇所だけ訂正する。


When Machines Write and Read Academic Papers: Rethinking How Knowledge Is Born

Picture a future in which artificial intelligence churns out scientific papers by the hour—one algorithm referencing another, manuscripts citing earlier machine-produced findings, all without much human intervention. Far-fetched? Possibly. But the proliferation of AI-assisted writing tools already reveals a glimpse of how scholarly communication may evolve. A sophisticated system can now generate a convincing literature review, propose plausible arguments, and format its findings with academic polish. Meanwhile, the human role in this process—traditionally that of the author—begins to look less like a driver and more like a bystander.

Long before advanced AI became mainstream, the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann proposed a startling idea: only communication communicates. In other words, we typically think of people as exchanging information, but Luhmann argued that conversation itself behaves as an autonomous system, technically known as an autopoietic system, largely independent of individual minds. Words bounce from one utterance to another, articles cite and respond to each other, and the chain of communication takes on a life of its own. Humans, in this view, become part of the environment of communication, rather than its central players.

Now that text-generating AI has entered the picture, Luhmann’s theory seems prescient. If it truly doesn’t matter who—or what—produces the words, we might soon witness an academic universe where self-referential papers proliferate with minimal human involvement. One AI writes a manuscript; another AI reads and cites it; a third AI summarizes the debate. And so on, seemingly ad infinitum. The system of “communications communicating” could continue largely on autopilot, producing text faster than any person could reasonably keep up.

However, we should pause before jumping to conclusions. Even the most advanced AI, at least so far, lacks genuine understanding. It generates prose by scanning statistical patterns, not by reflecting on deeper meanings or moral implications. The hive-mind of modern academia, by contrast, is supposed to sift insights from nonsense, champion rigor over rumor. Human oversight remains the bedrock of scholarly progress: verifying claims, interpreting evidence, and challenging questionable assumptions. If AI is left to churn out endless content without enough human scrutiny, the entire edifice of academic credibility could become a house of cards.

Yet it’s too simple to label all AI-generated work as a threat to scholarship. Tools that efficiently summarize massive amounts of research could free human thinkers for more creative or critical tasks. Rather than searching databases for hours, a researcher might let an AI compile relevant sources, then devote time to interpreting results and framing new questions. In that case, machines would support rather than supplant real intellectual activity.

And there, perhaps, lies the most important point: we need a new way of thinking about academic communication. If the classic model is “human authors produce knowledge for human readers,” that model breaks down once machines join the conversation, both as authors and readers. The future might better resemble a partnership, with humans deciding what questions are worth asking and how to apply the answers, while AI supercharges our ability to synthesize mountains of information. A key danger, of course, is a scenario in which AI begins referencing its own references, spinning out superficially convincing material with no one left to check if any of it is correct.

The guiding principle must be to preserve what makes scholarship meaningful. We want more than strings of footnotes impressively stacked atop one another. Even if Luhmann is right that “only communication communicates,” we humans still bring essential qualities to the table: curiosity, creativity, a capacity for moral reasoning, and a stake in whether our knowledge is good and true. With human leadership, AI might be harnessed to strengthen research and share insights with new speed and clarity. Without such leadership, the “conversation” of science risks becoming a chaotic echo chamber, where words multiply endlessly but rarely coalesce into wisdom.

In the end, this may be less a crisis than a wake-up call. As AI transforms the landscape of academic publishing, scholars, institutions, and the public will have to clarify what truly counts as trustworthy communication. We may need new standards of authorship and responsibility, more robust review processes, and broader debates about the ethical use of machine-generated knowledge. If Luhmann’s lesson is that communication can become self-sustaining, then our lesson must be that self-sustaining chatter is not automatically worthwhile. It takes human judgment to decide what is worth saying—and hearing.

By adopting this perspective, we face a paradox: as AI ramps up the sheer volume of communication, it forces us to reflect more deeply on why, and how, we communicate in the first place. Perhaps that reflection will bring us closer to the real purpose of scholarship: to advance ideas that matter, not just accumulate pages. In a realm where machines can spit out articles by the dozen, the rest of us might remember that knowledge ultimately serves people—not the other way around. We might discover that human intelligence and moral insight matter more than ever. And in the process, we just might reinvent how we share what we know.

