2022年6月11日号のThe Economist(デジタル版)はAI(人工知能)に関する記事を3つ掲載しました。
How smarter AI will change creativity: The promise and perils of a breakthrough in machine intelligence
For years it has been said that AI-powered automation poses a threat to people in repetitive, routine jobs, and that artists, writers and programmers were safer. Foundation models challenge that assumption.
But they also show how ai can be used as a software sidekick to enhance productivity. This machine intelligence does not resemble the human kind, but offers something entirely different. Handled well, it is more likely to complement humanity than usurp it.
Artificial neural networks are making strides towards consciousness, according to Blaise Aguera y Arcas: The Google engineer explains why
彼は、GoogleのLaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications)というAIと対話した文章を見せ、AIが複数の登場人物がお互いについて考えていることをあたかも正しく推測できているようであることを示します。これを彼は "the pro-social nature of intelligence"と呼び、AIの進展を示す一つの兆候と見ています。
[T]he intelligence explosion came from competition to model the most complex entities in the known universe: other people.
Humans’ ability to get inside someone else’s head and understand what they perceive, think and feel is among our species’s greatest achievements. It allows us to empathise with others, predict their behaviour and influence their actions without threat of force. Applying the same modelling capability to oneself enables introspection, rationalisation of our actions and planning for the future.
しかしながら3番めの記事は、"not so fast"と言っているようです。著者は(あの知る人ぞ知る)ダグラス・ホフスタッターです。
Artificial neural networks today are not conscious, according to Douglas Hofstadter
I would call GPT-3’s answers not just clueless but cluelessly clueless, meaning that GPT-3 has no idea that it has no idea about what it is saying. There are no concepts behind the GPT-3 scenes; rather, there’s just an unimaginably huge amount of absorbed text upon which it draws to produce answers.