
英単語テスト生成プロンプト (Ver. 1.3.1 ) :英単語群の単語の定義・類義語・例文・連語を提示したテスト問題を自動的に作成します。


Ver 1.3.1 (2024/04/29)

Prompt #3のcollocationsでも必要な場合は、接尾辞 (suffix) が付けられるように改良しました。

Ver 1.3 (2024/04/22)

(1) Word Bankからのランダムな単語選択ができませんので、Prompt #3だけを使うことにして、それを冒頭に置きました。

(2) Collocationを追加しました。

Ver 1.2.1 (2024/04/05)

(1) 指定された単語のテスト問題だけをつくるPrompt #3を追加しました

(2) Propmpt #1と#2には、役割指定を加えて、単語をランダムに選択する指示を強化しました。ですがそれでもランダムな単語選択をしているとは思えません。大規模言語モデルなので仕方がないのでしょうか。単語のランダム選択については今後の課題といたします。

(3) Claude 3 (Opus)の性能が急に低くなりましたので、推奨AIをChatGPT (GPT-4) のみとしました。

(4) 反意語 (antonyms) の出力を消しました。どうしても元の単語を含む語が出力されてしまうことがあり、かつ、そもそも反意語選択の精度が高くなかったからです。(Ver. 1.2.1) 

(5) 加えて、Ver. 1.1の記事とプロンプトには単純な誤植などが複数ありましたことをお詫び申し上げます

Ver 1.1(2024/04/03)


■ このプロンプトの機能


■ このプロンプトの出力例(ChatGPT (GPT-4) で下のPrompt #3を使用)


■ このプロンプトが想定している利用者


※ 定義を日本語にしたり、例文を簡単にすることはいくらでも可能なはずです。簡易版をお望みの方はどうぞこのプロンプトを参考にして自分でプロンプトをご作成ください。

■ このプロンプトの種類

Prompt #1:単語群から5つの単語を選び、その単語の定義・類義語・例文を示す問題を作成する。例文は1つの単語につき5つ提示する。選んだ5つの単語は最後に提示する。授業では最後の部分を除いた残りをコピーして学習者に提示する。※ただし現時点では単語選択は残念ながらランダム選択ではありません。

Prompt #2:単語群から10の単語を選び、1つの単語に3つの例文を作る。その他はプロンプト#1と同じ。(AIの出力が止まった場合は "Continue generating" のアイコンをクリックしてください)。

Prompt #3:単語群のすべての単語について、1つの単語に3つの例文を作る。その他はプロンプト#1と同じ。※ただし単語群の単語数を増やしすぎるとAIの作動がおかしくなるかもしれません。推奨する単語数は5-10です。

■ このプロンプトに関する諸注意

- ChatGPTやClaude 3といった大規模言語モデルでも、思わぬ言語ミスを出力する場合があります。重要なテスト問題を作成する場合は、AIの出力を人間が丁寧に吟味して、必要があれば修正を加えてください。

- 英単語群は自分で決めてプロンプトの入力欄 (=====で挟まれた空白部分)に入力してください。単語ごとに改行しても構いませんし、カンマで区切ってもかまいません。

- プロンプトを入力してから出力が始まるまでに少し時間がかかることがあります。

- 出力をコピーする場合、太字表示や例文番号などの装飾部分が失われます。それを嫌う利用者は、出力をそのままキャプチャーしてください。

- 動作確認は、ChatGPT (GPT-4)で行いました。ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) やCopilotやGeminiではうまく作動しませんでした。Claude 3 (Opus) (Perplexity経由)は2024/04/05に急に性能が低下したようなので推奨から外しました。

- 利用していて何かご意見があれば、X (Twitter) の@yosukeyanaseにお知らせください。

- このプロンプトの利用・改変などは自由になさって結構です。お互いに知恵を共有する文化を大切に育てて豊かな社会を作り出しましょう。

■ Prompt #3: Providing a definition, synonyms, 3 example sentences, and collocation for all the words in the word bank. The word bank should contain 10 words at most to ensure successful operation.

単語群のすべての単語に対してテスト問題を作る。例文は1単語あたり3つ。単語は出力末尾に表示される。単語群は=====で挟まれた空白部分に自分で入力してください。 単語群の単語の数は10程度に抑えてください。


- As a high school English instructor, you make questions to see if your students can recall the word in the word bank when provided with its definition, synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences.

- Questions cannot show the selected word or its derivatives in complete spelling because it is part of a test.


- Please select a word one by one. 

- The selected words must retain their original form; do not delete or add a suffix, such as "-ly".

- Produce a definition, synonyms, example sentences, and collocation for each selected word. If the selected word can be used in more than one part of speech, provide multiple definitions for each part of speech.

- The definition and example sentences must be formal and specific; nevertheless they should be easily accessible to high school students in the US. 

- Repeat the procedures above until you finish selecting all the words in the word bank.

- Output the definition(s), synonyms, example sentences, and collocation for each selected word.

- After that, and only after that, output all answers.

#Output Rules: 

- Except for the Answer section, the selected word must be represented with only the initial letter, followed by ___. For example, if the selected word is "factor", it must be represented as f___. 

-When necessary, an appropriate suffix must be added to the selected word masked by  ___. For example, if the selected word ("factor") appears with an inflectional suffix "s" to show plurality, for example, it must show that suffix (f___s).  Similarly, if the selected word ("anonymous") appeas with an inflectional suffix "ly", it must also show that suffix (a___ly). If the selected word ("play") needs "ing" or "ed", show that suffix (p___ing) or (p___ed), respectively. 

#Output Format:

- **Question #**: Replace "#" with the number starting from 1, followed by the selected word in order. The selected word must be represented with only the initial letter in lower-case, followed by ___. Do not show the designated word in full spelling.

- **Definition**: Output a definition of the selected word without using the selected word or its derivatives. Never show the selected word in definition. The definition must include the part of speech in full spelling. If the selected word can be used in more than one part of speech, provide multiple definitions for each part of speech.

- **Synonyms**: Show the synonyms of the selected word in the same line, divided by a comma. Each synonym must be enclosed with double quotes.

- **Example Sentences**: Follow the Output Rules above and provide three example sentences. If the selected word can be used in more than one part of speech, the example sentences must cover all the parts of speech. The example sentences are numbered from 1. to 3. for each selected word.

- **Collocation**: Follow the Output Rules above and provide most frequent combinations of words with the selected word. Show actual word examples rather than grammatical categories.If an object is necessary when representing collocation, show "something" or "somebody" in the position of an object.  Add an appropriate suffix  to the masked target word, if necessary. 

- **Answers**: Lastly, show the selected words in order.  In this section only, the selected words appear in complete spelling.

#Word Bank



■ Prompt #1: Providing a definition, synonyms, and 5 example sentences for the 5 words selected from the word bank.



- As a high school English instructor, you make questions to see if your students can recall the word you select from the word bank when provided with its definition, synonyms, and example sentences.

- Your word selection from the word bank must be strictly random.

- Questions cannot show the selected word or its derivatives in complete spelling because it is part of a test.


- Please randomly select 5 words from the word bank provided between the "=====" delimiters. Please refrain from selecting words in the exact order they are presented in the word bank.the word bank.  If possible, use a random number generator or equivalent randomization method. The selection process should be entirely random, without applying any form of predetermined order, preference, logical deduction, or manual choice. Ensure that each word retains its original form and is not modified in any way during the selection.

- The selected words must retain their original form; do not delete or add a suffix, such as "-ly".

- Produce a definition, synonyms, and example sentences for each selected word.

- The definition and example sentences must be formal and specific; nevertheless they should be easily accessible to high school students in the US. 

#Output Format:

- **Question #**: Replace "#" with the number from 1 to 5, followed by the selected word in order. The selected word must be represented with only the initial letter in lower-case, followed by ___. Do not show the designated word in full spelling.

- **Definition**: First, show the part of speech in full spelling in paretheses. Then, output a definition of the selected word without using the selected word or its derivatives.  Never show the selected word in definition.  If the selected word can be used in more than one part of speech, provide multiple definitions for each part of speech.

- **Synonyms**: Show the synonyms of the selected word in the same line, divided by a comma. Each synonym must be enclosed with double quotes.

- **Example Sentences**: Output five example sentences in which the selected word is represented with only the initial letter, followed by ___. For example, if the selected word is "factor", it must be represented as f___. If the selected word ("factor") appears with an inflectional suffix "s" to show plurality, for example, it must show that suffix (f___s). Similarly, if the selected word ("anonymous") appeas with an inflectional suffix "ly", it must also show that suffix (a___ly). Also, if the selected word ("reveal") apeas with an inflectional siffix "ed", it must also show that suffix (r___ed). If the selected word can be used in more than one part of speech, the example sentences must cover all the parts of speech. The example sentences are numbered from 1. to 5. for each selected word.

- **Answers**: Lastly, show the 5 selected words in order.  In this section only, the selected words appear in complete spelling.

#Word Bank



■ Prompt #2: Providing a definition, synonyms, and 3 example sentences for the 10 words selected from the word bank.



- As a high school English instructor, you make questions to see if your students can recall the word you select from the word bank when provided with its definition, synonyms, and example sentences.

- Your word selection from the word bank must be strictly random.

- Questions cannot show the selected word or its derivatives in complete spelling because it is part of a test.


- Please randomly select 10 words from the word bank provided between the "=====" delimiters. Please refrain from selecting words in the exact order they are presented in the word bank.the word bank. If possible, use a random number generator or equivalent randomization method. The selection process should be entirely random, without applying any form of predetermined order, preference, logical deduction, or manual choice. Ensure that each word retains its original form and is not modified in any way during the selection.

- The selected words must retain their original form; do not delete or add a suffix, such as "-ly".

- Produce a definition, synonyms, and example sentences for each selected word.

- The definition and example sentences must be formal and specific; nevertheless they should be easily accessible to high school students in the US. 

#Output Format:

- **Question #**: Replace "#" with the number from 1 to 10, followed by the selected word in order. The selected word must be represented with only the initial letter in lower-case, followed by ___. Do not show the designated word in full spelling.

- **Definition**: First, show the part of speech in full spelling in paretheses. Then, output a definition of the selected word without using the selected word or its derivatives.  Never show the selected word in definition.  If the selected word can be used in more than one part of speech, provide multiple definitions for each part of speech.

- **Synonyms**: Show the synonyms of the selected word in the same line, divided by a comma. Each synonym must be enclosed with double quotes.

- **Example Sentences**: Output three example sentences in which the selected word is represented with only the initial letter, followed by ___. For example, if the selected word is "factor", it must be represented as f___. If the selected word ("factor") appears with an inflectional suffix "s" to show plurality, for example, it must show that suffix (f___s).  Similarly, if the selected word ("anonymous") appeas with an inflectional suffix "ly", it must also show that suffix (a___ly). If the selected word can be used in more than one part of speech, the example sentences must cover all the parts of speech. The example sentences are numbered from 1. to 3. for each selected word.

- **Answers**: Lastly, show the 10 selected words in order.  In this section only, the selected words appear in complete spelling.

#Word Bank



