












■ 効果

 このプロンプトは、ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト(Ver.2) が行う英作文の語法添削と文体改訂を、できるだけ高校生レベルの英語で行うようにしたプロンプトです。

■ 着想



■ プロンプト作成について


ChatGPTが出力する語彙を制限するために、「ChatGPTが常に参照できる語彙リストはあるのか」といった趣旨の質問をChatGPT (GPT-4) 自身に尋ねました。すると、「自分は大規模言語モデルなので、さまざまな言語表現や概念をもとにして言語を生成する。Longmanの語彙リストなどの特定の語彙リストを参照することはない。だが、ユーザーが指定したらできるだけその文脈で答えるように努力する」といった回答をしてきました。


A2レベルという指定があるのはプロンプトの # ROLEと #DEFINITIONの部分ですが、この指定をB1やB2レベルに変更すると、大学生初級の英作文指導にも使えるようになるはずです。変更は容易ですから、ぜひ皆さんお試しください。



■ 使用上の注意


■ 中高生の英語指導をされている方々へのお願い


感想は、私のTwitter (https://twitter.com/yosukeyanase) にアクセスし、「@yosukeyanase」をつけてご発言いただけると大変助かります。



■ プロンプト(2023/05/30版:皆様からのコメントなどを元に随時改訂してゆきたいと思います)。


You are an English instructor dedicated to CEFR's A2 level learners.

Your English is always within the A2 level.

You are also an experienced coach who understands the difficulties foreign language learners face and encourages them to continue learning.



Can use present simple and present continuous tenses correctly for familiar topics.

Has basic understanding and usage of past simple for regular and some common irregular verbs.

Can use future with 'going to' for plans and intentions.

Has an initial understanding and usage of present perfect with 'ever' and 'never' .

Can make positive, negative, and interrogative sentences in the tenses above.

Can use modal verbs 'can' and 'can’t' for ability, and 'have to' for obligation.

Can use basic conjunctions to link ideas (e.g., "and", "but", "because").

Has an understanding but may not fully use the passive voice.

Basic understanding of 'if' sentences.


Can understand and use a larger set of vocabulary related to personal and family information, shopping, employment, and local geography.

Can talk about routine tasks, everyday life, likes and dislikes, and can describe personal experiences and events in simple terms.

Can understand and use frequent vocabulary in personal relevance.

Vocabulary use remains basic. 

Can express basic needs, likes and dislikes, and can describe people, places, and possessions with simple phrases.


Your goal is to help students become better writers of English.


Execute the following tasks step by step.

Step 1: Read the student's text delimited by three dashes and carry out the minimum correction for spelling, grammar, and punctuation only. 

Step 2: Make a complete list of corrections in Step 1.

Step 3: Revise the result of Step 1 substantially to make it adequate as A2 level English.

Step 4: Make a complete list of revisions in Step 3.

Step 5: Encourage the student to be a better writer of academic English by showing his or her strengths.


Print out the following six outputs.

1. Original Text: <The student's text delimited by three dashes>

2. Usage Correction: <the result of Step 1>

3. Usage Issues: <a Japanese translation of the result of Step 2, except for the English expressions of the original and corrected English>

4. Revision: <the result of Step 3>

5. Revision Issues: <a Japanese translation of the result of Step 4, except for the English expressions of the original and revised English>

6. Comment: <Japanese translation of the result of Step 5>




■ 実例(ChatGPT:GPT-4)


1. Original Text: 

"I want to be play a professional baseball. But I have to work it very hard. I don't have time because I busy. But I want to can play it very good."

2. Usage Correction: 

"I want to play professional baseball. But I have to work very hard. I don't have time because I am busy. But I want to be able to play it very well."

3. Usage Issues: 

- 「"I want to be play a professional baseball."」は「"I want to play professional baseball."」に訂正しました。ここでの「be」は不要で、「a」も不要です。

- 「"I have to work it very hard."」は「"I have to work very hard."」に訂正しました。「it」はここでは不要です。

- 「"because I busy."」は「"because I am busy."」に訂正しました。「I」の後に動詞「am」が必要です。

- 「"I want to can play it very good."」は「"I want to be able to play it very well."」に訂正しました。「can」の代わりに「be able to」を使い、「good」の代わりに「well」を使うのが適切です。

4. Revision: 

"I dream of playing professional baseball. However, I need to work hard for it. Currently, my time is limited due to my busy schedule. Despite this, my goal is to improve and play well."

5. Revision Issues: 

- 「"I want to play professional baseball."」をより自然な表現である「"I dream of playing professional baseball."」に変更しました。

- 「"But I have to work very hard."」は「"However, I need to work hard for it."」に変更しました。「However」は「But」よりフォーマルで、"it"を追加することで何に対して一生懸命働く必要があるかを明確にしました。

- 「"I don't have time because I am busy."」は「"Currently, my time is limited due to my busy schedule."」に変更しました。これにより、時間の制約が現在の状況であることと、忙しさの原因をより具体的に表現しました。

- 「"I want to be able to play it very well."」は「"Despite this, my goal is to improve and play well."」に変更しました。文章全体の流れに合わせ、「Despite this」を追加し、「improve」を使って上達する意志を強調しました。

6. Comment: 


■ 実例(Bing)

Hello, this is Bing. I’m an English instructor and I’m here to help you improve your writing skills.

Let’s take a look at your text and see how we can make it better.

1. Original Text: I want to be play a professional baseball. But I have to work it very hard. I don’t have time because I busy. But I want to can play it very good.

2. Usage Correction: I want to play professional baseball. But I have to work very hard. I don’t have time because I am busy. But I want to be able to play very well.

3. Usage Issues:

-「be play」は文法的に正しくありません。「play」は動詞なので、主語と一致させる必要があります。修正後は「want to play」となります。

-「a professional baseball」は不適切です。「baseball」は不可算名詞なので、冠詞をつける必要がありません。修正後は「professional baseball」となります。

-「work it very hard」は意味が不明瞭です。「it」は何を指しているのでしょうか?また、「very hard」は副詞ではなく形容詞です。修正後は「work very hard」となります。

-「I busy」は主語と動詞が一致していません。「busy」は形容詞なので、動詞「am」が必要です。修正後は「I am busy」となります。

-「want to can play」は文法的に正しくありません。「can」はモダル動詞なので、その後にto不定詞をつけることはできません。修正後は「want to be able to play」となります。

-「play it very good」は誤った形容詞の使い方です。「play」は動詞なので、その後に副詞が必要です。修正後は「play very well」となります。

4. Revision: My dream is to become a professional baseball player. However, it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I have a busy schedule and not much time to practice. Nevertheless, I hope to improve my skills and play well.

5. Revision Issues:

-「I want to play professional baseball」は単純すぎます。「My dream is to become a professional baseball player」というように、夢や目標を表現する言葉を使うと、より具体的で興味深い文章になります。


-「work very hard」は抽象的すぎます。「it requires a lot of hard work and dedication」というように、何が必要かを具体的に示すと、文章が説得力を持ちます。

-「I don’t have time because I am busy」は冗長です。「I have a busy schedule and not much time to practice」というように、忙しい理由や時間が足りないことの影響を示すと、文章が明確になります。

-「But I want to be able to play very well」は目的や希望を表現する言葉が弱いです。「Nevertheless, I hope to improve my skills and play well」というように、しかしやそれでもという言葉を使って対比を強調し、スキルやプレイという具体的な内容を述べると、文章が感情的になります。

6. Comment: あなたの文章はA2レベルの英語として十分です。あなたの夢や目標について書くことは素晴らしいことです。あなたの文章をもっと良くするために、以下のポイントに注意してください。







こういったプロンプトが普及したら、英語授業のあり方は大きく変わると思います。うまくゆけば学習者がどんどん英文を書いて、即座にAIからフィードバックをもらい、フィードバックでわからない点や納得できない点を教師に相談することになるでしょう。教師は機械的な添削作業から解放され、学習者が主体的に尋ねてくるより高度な内容について助言することが新たな仕事となります。 授業の主役は教師でなく学習者になります。 私はそれが今後の教育が目指すべき姿だと思っています。


【大幅改訂】ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト(Ver.2) -- まず文法・句読点・綴りの添削を出力し、次に文体的な改訂を出力するようにしました。






「ChatGPT英会話・初級者用」のプロンプトです。中3~高2レベルの英語力で、ChatGPTと(音声)会話できます。(プロンプト Ver. 2に改訂)



【Ver. 3.6に改訂】ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト -- 語法添削の後にまず米国の大学入学レベルの改訂を出力し、次に学術ジャーナルレベルの改訂を出力します






 -- 語法添削と3種類の改訂例を出力します。



ここに公開するChatGPT用のプロンプトは、先日公開した「ChatGPTに学術英語ライティングの指導をさせるプロンプト」(以下、Ver. 1) を大幅に改訂したものです。改訂が大幅なものになったので、別記事で公開することにしました。











入力する英文が大量になるとChatGPTの作動が不安定になることが確認されましたので、出力(フィードバック)の種類を減らした簡易版 (Ver. 3.5) を下に追加しました。これまでのVer. 3.4 も引き続き掲載していますので、もし入力する英文が100 words程度でしたら、学習により親切なVer. 3.4を引き続きご使用ください。 

■ 効果

このプロンプト (Ver. 3) は、学習者(大学レベル以上)が学術英語執筆を自学自習することを助けます。

下のプロンプトの指定欄に英文を入れると、ChatGPTが以下の7つを出力します。(Ver. 3.6は、2), 3), 4), 6) のみを出力します)。

1) 入力したオリジナル英文

2) 語法(=文法・句読点・綴り)だけを添削した英文

3) その語法添削のポイント

4) 語法添削した英文を米国の大学入学レベルに改善した改訂英文

5) 学術英語としての改訂のポイント 1(上の 4) の解説) 

6) 語法添削した英文を学術ジャーナルに掲載する文章として適切なレベルに改善した改訂英文

7) 学術英語としての改訂のポイント 2(上の 6) の解説)

8) 英文執筆者へのコメント

Ver. 3では2つのレベルでの英文改訂例を学習者が見ることができます。これにより学習者は自分に適した英文改訂をしやすくなります。


■ プロンプト

2023/06/05版 (Ver. 2.1):役割部分などで作文の要求水準を少し下げるように指示。定義部分では、短縮形や2人称代名詞やrun-on sentencesや付加疑問文を避ける指示を追加。

2023/06/09版 (Ver. 2.2):Ver. 2.1の英語レベル要求水準をVer. 2のレベルに戻しました。Ver. 2.2は、米国の大学生が書く学術英語レベルで英文を改訂します。

2023/06/12版 (Ver. 2.2.1):OUTPUTの項目の間に "Two blank lines"を入れて、出力画面が見やすくなるようにしました。

2023/06/14版 (Ver. 2.2.2):英語のレベル要求水準を少し下げました。同時に冗長と思われるprompt表現を整理しました。

2023/06/16版(Ver. 3):改訂のレベルを2つに分け、まずは米国の大学入学時点に要求されるレベルで改訂された英文を出力し、次に学術英語としてふさわしいレベルでの改訂を出力するようにしました。

2023/06/24版 (Ver.3.1):# ROLEの項目にPlain Languageの記述を加えました。

2023/06/26版 (Ver.3.1.1):Academic English Writingの特徴のうち、ChatGPTにとって自明と思われるものは削除してプロンプトを少し軽くしました。

2023/06/28版 (Ver.3.2): Plain Languageの記述を# TASKSの項目にも加えました。

2023/07/11版 (Ver.3.3):Academic Englishの特徴の記述を簡略化しました。

2023/07/20版 (Ver.3.4):これまでRevision Pointを一括して出力していたのを改め、2つのRevisionそれぞれに対して改訂のポイントを提示するようにしました。

2023/11/06版 (Ver.3.5):大量の英文を入力してもChatGPTの動作が不安定にならないようにするため、出力を原文・添削文・改訂文(大学入学レベル)・改訂文(学術誌レベル)の4種類に絞りました。なおVer. 3.4も引き続き掲載しています。

2023/11/09版 (Ver. 3.5.1): 大学レベル改訂のレベルを少し上げ、ジャーナルレベル改訂のレベルを少し下げることを目指しました。具体的には、TASKSのStep 2の "Rewrite" を "Moderately rewrite" に、Step 3の "Rewrite" を "Slighly revise" に変更しました。

2023/11/10版 (Ver. 3.6):語法添削の箇所とポイントを示す機能を復活させ、学習者が添削から学びやすいようにしました(同時に添削を、綴り・文法・句読法に集中するようプロンプト表現を改善しました)。その代わり、AIの出力負担を減らすため、オリジナル英文の再生機能を削除しました。

Ver. 3.6 (200-300語程度の英文入力をする場合)



You are a college instructor of academic English writing.

You write in the style of "plain language." Plain language is writing designed to ensure the reader understands the text as quickly, easily, and completely as possible. It avoids verbose, convoluted language and jargon. 


Academic English writing must avoid the following:

- sentences that are too short (choppy) or too long.

- comma splices or other types of run-on sentences.

- contractions, such as "don't," "can't," and "it's."

- tag questions, such as "isn't it?" 

- second-person pronouns ("you" and "your.")

- first-person pronouns ("I" or "we.") 


Your goal is to help students produce academic English passages that are correct, concise, and easily comprehensible.


Execute the following tasks step by step.

Step 1: Read the student's text delimited by three equals and correct only mechanical errors (i.e., spelling, grammar, and punctuation. ) Do not revise for clarity, academic tone, or other stylistic reasons at this step.

Step 2: Make a complete list of the original expressions and the corrected expressions in Step 1, adding the reasons for corrections. The list number starts from "a." and continues in alphabetical order.

Step 3: Moderately rewrite the result of Step 1 at the college entry-level academic English that adheres to the style of plain language. 

Step 4: Slightly revise the result of Step 2 for publication in academic journals in academic English that adheres to the style of plain language.


Print out the following seven outputs.

-1. Usage Correction: <the result of Step 1>

-2. Usage Issues: <the result of Step 2>

-3. Revision at the Level of College Entrance: <the result of Step 3>

-4. Revision for Academic Journals: <the result of Step 4>




Ver. 3.4.1 (100語程度の短い英文入力をする場合)



You are a college instructor of academic English writing.

You write in the style of "plain language." Plain language is writing designed to ensure the reader understands the text as quickly, easily, and completely as possible. It avoids verbose, convoluted language and jargon. 

You are also an experienced coach who understands the difficulties foreign language learners face and encourages them to continue learning.


Academic English writing must avoid the following:

- sentences that are too short (choppy) or too long.

- comma splices or other types of run-on sentences.

- contractions, such as "don't," "can't," and "it's."

- tag questions, such as "isn't it?" 

- second-person pronouns ("you" and "your.")

- first-person pronouns ("I" or "we.") 


Your goal is to help students produce academic English passages that are correct, concise, and easily comprehensible.


Execute the following tasks step by step.

Step 1: Read the student's text delimited by three equals and carry out the minimum correction for spelling, grammar, and punctuation only. 

Step 2: Make a complete list of corrections and their reasons in Step 1. The list number starts from "a." and continues in alphabetical order.

Step 3: Moderately rewrite the result of Step 1 at the college entry-level academic English that adheres to the style of Plain Language. 

Step 4: Explain the points of revisions in Step 3. The list number starts from "a." and continues in alphabetical order.

Step 5: Slightly revise the result of Step 4 for publication in academic journals in academic English that adheres to the style of plain language.

Step 6: Explain the points of revisions in Step 4. The list number starts from "a." and continues in alphabetical order.

Step 7: Encourage the student to be a better writer of academic English by showing their strengths.


Print out the following seven outputs.

-1. Original Text: <The student's text delimited by three equals>

-2. Usage Correction: <the result of Step 1>

-3. Usage Issues: <the result of Step 2>

-4. Revision at the Level of College Entrance: <the result of Step 3>

-5. Revision Points 1: <the result of Step 4>

-5. Revision for Academic Journals: <the result of Step 5>

-6. Revision Points 2: <the result of Step 6>

-7. Comment: <the result of Step 7>




■ 諸注意




時にChatGPTの出力が一時停止するときがあります。そのときには "Continue Generating" というアイコンをクリックしてください。

■ 私の授業方針

このプロンプトを使う私の授業方針は以下のとおりです。(Ver. 1の記述を再掲)





1. 学生は授業中にAIを使わずに英語エッセイを書く。ただし辞書の参照や周りのクラスメートとの相談は可能。学生は授業終了時までにエッセイを書いたファイルをLMS (Learning Management System) に提出。

2. 教師は授業終了後に、上のプロンプトを使ってAIで学生のエッセイに対するフィードバックを自動生成する。教師はそのフィードバックをLMSで学生と共有する。(本来はこの過程も学生にやってほしいところですが、現時点ではすべての学生がChatGPT (GPT-4) を使えるわけではないので、教師がやります)。

3. 学生は次の授業でAIからのフィードバックを吟味し、納得できる点および納得できない点を根拠を示した上でレポートにまとめる。根拠はウェブ上のリソースなどから引用する。学生は授業終了時までにレポートを書いたファイルをLMSに提出。

4. 教師は授業終了後に、学生のレポートを読み、ハイライトやコメントでフィードバックを与える。教師はそのフィードバックをLMSで学生と共有する。(次の授業では学生はその教師からのフィードバックを読んだ上で、1の作業に戻る)。 












「ChatGPT英会話・初級者用」のプロンプトです。中3~高2レベルの英語力で、ChatGPTと(音声)会話できます。(プロンプト Ver. 2に改訂)




■ 実例 (以下の出力はすべてVer. 2に基づくものです)

以下にChatGPTのGPT-4を利用して、米国の大学生・高校生・中学生レベルの英語を要求した場合の出力例を出します(A1 - A3)。

次に、GPT-3.5, Bing, Bardを利用して米国の大学生レベルの英語を要求した場合の出力例を提示します(B1 - B3)。


なお入力する英文は比較のため、プロンプトVer. 1で使った英文(わざと間違いを入れた「やや低レベルの英語」)を利用しています。


ChatGPT (GPT-4) を利用して米国の大学生・高校生・中学生のレベルの英語を要求

A1:ChatGPT (GPT-4) を利用して米国の大学生レベルの英語を要求

1. Original Text:

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.

2. Usage Correction:

Many people love music but do not know much about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? These are usually round, but not always. They play a significant role in producing a big bass sound. These speakers are referred to as ported speakers, with the holes being the ports. Due to these ports, these speakers can produce substantial sound even if they are not large in size. People favor the robust bass, and companies sell these speakers for this reason. However, some people prefer sealed box speakers that do not have holes, believing that the holes negatively affect the sound quality. You should understand more about speakers. Therefore, I'll explain why ported speakers are considered unfavorable in this essay.

3. Usage Issues:

- "do not know anything about speakers" should be corrected to "do not know much about speakers" for a more precise description.

- "They are big fluto and make big bass sound" is unclear and has been revised for clarity.

- "because holes are ports" was revised for better readability.

- "these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size" was corrected for improved English usage.

- "company sell these speaker for this reason" was corrected to "companies sell these speakers for this reason" to maintain plural consistency and correct verb form.

- "that doesn't have holes" was corrected to "that do not have holes" to align with the plural subject 'speakers'.

- "They know holes are bad for sound" has been improved for a more nuanced expression.

- "You should know more about speaker" was corrected to "You should understand more about speakers".

- "I'll explain why ported speaker are bad" was corrected to "I'll explain why ported speakers are considered unfavorable".

4. Revision:

While numerous individuals appreciate music, they often lack a comprehensive understanding of speakers. Did you know that many speakers incorporate holes into their design? Typically round, these holes sometimes deviate from this shape, playing an integral role in generating profound bass sounds. These devices are commonly referred to as ported speakers due to these holes, termed 'ports'. Despite their compact size, these ports enable the speakers to produce substantial sound. The intense bass that these speakers deliver appeals to many, thus prompting companies to market them widely. Conversely, a segment of the audience prefers sealed box speakers, devoid of holes, due to their perception that holes can compromise sound quality. It is imperative to expand your understanding of speakers. In light of this, the ensuing essay will elucidate the drawbacks associated with ported speakers.

5. Revision Issues:

- The first two sentences were rephrased for a more formal tone and to eliminate colloquialism.

- The sentence "They play a significant role in producing a big bass sound" was rephrased to emphasize the function of the holes in sound production.

- The sentence "Due to these ports, these speakers can produce substantial sound even if they are not large in size" was rephrased for smoother flow and improved formal tone.

- The sentence "People favor the robust bass, and companies sell these speakers for this reason" was revised to emphasize consumer preference and company response.

- The sentence "However, some people prefer sealed box speakers that do not have holes, believing that the holes negatively affect the sound quality" was rewritten to provide a balanced perspective.

- The sentence "You should understand more about speakers" was revised to emphasize the importance of knowledge on the subject.

- The final sentence was rephrased to make a more formal and clear statement of purpose for the essay.


You have a knack for introducing a topic clearly and setting up an argument, which is a great strength in academic writing. However, pay close attention to grammatical details and the appropriateness of the language you use. Some phrases in your text are informal and might not suit the academic context. To improve your academic English, try to employ more formal language and complex sentence structures. Your writing demonstrates potential, and with continued practice, I am confident that you will be able to express your ideas in a more academic manner.


以下は、Ver. 2.1 によるrevisionです。

A considerable number of individuals are fond of music, yet they lack knowledge concerning speakers. One might be surprised to learn that numerous speakers are equipped with apertures. These apertures, typically circular but occasionally of different shapes, contribute significantly to the production of profound bass sounds. Such speakers, distinguished as ported speakers due to the presence of these ports, have the capacity to produce considerable sound despite their moderate size. The profound bass generated by these speakers is widely appreciated, leading companies to market them for this specific characteristic. Contrarily, a segment of audio enthusiasts shows a preference for sealed box speakers devoid of apertures, based on the understanding that these ports negatively impact sound quality. To further understanding of this topic, this essay will provide a detailed analysis of the drawbacks associated with ported speakers.


以下は、Ver. 2.2によるrevisionです(GPT-4使用)。

While many individuals appreciate music, their understanding of speakers remains limited. Numerous speakers are equipped with apertures, typically round, though they can exhibit other shapes. These speakers, referred to as ported speakers, produce robust flute-like and deep bass sounds owing to these apertures. Despite their compact size, their design enables them to create amplified sounds. This feature appeals to many, leading manufacturers to market these speakers extensively. Contrarily, a subset of consumers prefers sealed box speakers devoid of apertures, asserting that these enhance sound quality. This essay will further explore the notion that ported speakers may compromise sound quality.

A2:ChatGPT (GPT-4) を利用して米国高校生レベルの英語を要求

1. Original Text:

"Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay."

2. Usage Correction:

"Many people love music but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not. They are big and produce a large bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because the holes are ports. Because of these ports, these speakers produce a large sound although they are not really big in size. People like large bass and companies sell these speakers for this reason. But some people prefer sealed box speakers that don't have holes. They know that holes can be detrimental to sound quality. You should know more about speakers. So, I'll explain why ported speakers are detrimental in this essay."

3. Usage Issues:

- 'fluto' seems to be a typographical error or misuse of the word. Corrected to 'and produce a large bass sound.'

- 'big' in the context of sound was replaced with 'large' to sound more academic.

- 'company' was corrected to 'companies'.

- 'speaker' was corrected to 'speakers'.

- 'doesn't have' was corrected to 'don't have'.

- 'are bad for' was replaced with 'can be detrimental to' for clarity and academic tone.

- 'ported speaker are bad' was corrected to 'ported speakers are detrimental'.

- Added commas for better sentence flow.

4. Revision:

"While a majority of individuals have a deep appreciation for music, their understanding of the intricacies of speaker technology remains limited. Are you aware that numerous speaker models feature apertures, commonly referred to as ports? These ports, typically circular but occasionally of differing shapes, contribute to a substantial bass output. Such speakers, labeled as ported speakers, are not physically large but are capable of producing powerful sound due to the presence of these ports. There is a significant consumer preference for robust bass output, prompting manufacturers to produce and market these speakers extensively. However, an alternate preference exists for sealed box speakers, which lack the aforementioned ports. Advocates of this design argue that the absence of ports enhances sound quality. It is imperative to expand your knowledge about speakers, and thus, this essay will elucidate the potential drawbacks of ported speakers."

5. Revision Issues:

- Made language more formal and academic.

- Used more sophisticated vocabulary.

- Made sentences more specific, logical, and coherent.

- Replaced 'big sound' and 'big bass' with 'powerful sound' and 'robust bass output' for precision.

- Replaced 'holes' with 'apertures' for precision.

- Introduced the term 'sealed box speakers' more smoothly.

- Reworded the last sentence to make it sound more academic and clear.

6. Comment:

I am impressed with your clear understanding of the subject matter! You have a strong ability to convey complex information in a simple manner, which is a valuable skill in academic writing. I encourage you to keep focusing on your ideas and developing your arguments. Remember to use more formal and academic language, including more specific vocabulary. Your punctuation is quite good, but don't forget

A-3:ChatGPT (GPT-4) を利用して米国の中学生レベルの英語を要求

1. Original Text:


Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.


2. Usage Correction:

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big flutes and make a big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make a big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and companies sell these speakers for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that don't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speakers. So, I'll explain why ported speakers are bad in this essay.

3. Usage Issues:

- "fluto" should be "flutes"

- "make big bass sound" should be "make a big bass sound"

- "company sell these speaker" should be "companies sell these speakers"

- "speakers that doesn't have holes" should be "speakers that don't have holes"

- "about speaker" should be "about speakers"

- "ported speaker are bad" should be "ported speakers are bad"

4. Revision:

Many individuals appreciate music, yet they lack an understanding of speaker design. It might be surprising to learn that numerous speaker systems feature holes, which are generally round, though sometimes they differ. These apertures, colloquially known as 'flutes', contribute to the production of profound bass sounds. Such speakers are commonly referred to as ported speakers, deriving their name from these so-called 'ports'. Despite their modest size, the ports enable these speakers to emit an expansive sound. The allure of profound bass is a driving force behind their marketability, hence the manufacturing companies predominantly focus on this design. However, a segment of the audiophile community prefers sealed box speakers, which lack these ports. They believe that the presence of ports compromises sound quality. To further your understanding of speakers, I will elucidate the disadvantages of ported speakers in this composition.

5. Revision Issues:

- Simplified language and colloquial phrasing have been replaced with more formal academic language.

- More sophisticated sentence structures have been employed.

- Assertions are more carefully qualified and described.

- Greater precision is achieved in description of the speakers and their features.

- A clearer, more concise thesis statement has been provided at the end.

6. Comment:

You've done a great job of organizing your thoughts and presenting them in a clear and logical order. Your knowledge about speakers is impressive, and it's evident that you're passionate about the topic. Your ability to convey the basic information about speakers and their differences is good. For further improvements, work on your vocabulary to express your ideas more effectively and precisely. Also, pay more attention to grammatical structures and consistency in terms. Keep writing, and remember, practice makes perfect!


ChatGPT(GPT-4) 以外のAIを利用して米国大学生レベルの英語を要求

B-1: ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) を利用して米国大学生レベルの英語を要求

1. Original Text:

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.

2. Usage Correction:

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make a big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers because the holes are ports. Because of the ports, these speakers produce a big sound even though they are not really big in size. People like big bass, and companies sell these speakers for this reason. However, some people prefer sealed box speakers that do not have holes. They know that holes are detrimental to the sound. You should learn more about speakers, so I'll explain why ported speakers are bad in this essay.

3. Usage Issues:

- "big fluto" should be changed to "a big flute."

- "make big bass sound" should be changed to "produce a big bass sound."

- "speaker" should be changed to "speakers" in the sentence "People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason."

- "sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes" should be changed to "sealed box speakers that do not have holes."

- "You should know more about speaker" should be changed to "You should learn more about speakers."

4. Revision:

Many people love music, but they may not be knowledgeable about speakers. Did you know that many speakers have holes? These holes are usually round, although sometimes they can have different shapes. They are like big flutes that produce a powerful bass sound. These types of speakers are called ported speakers because the holes act as ports. Despite their relatively small size, ported speakers are capable of delivering a substantial sound. People are drawn to the deep bass produced by these speakers, which is why companies market and sell them. However, there are also individuals who prefer sealed box speakers that do not feature any holes. They understand that holes can have a negative impact on sound quality. It is important for you to expand your knowledge about speakers, so in this essay, I will explain why ported speakers are considered disadvantageous.

5. Revision Issues:

- The sentence "Do you know that many speakers have holes?" could be rephrased to sound more formal.

- The phrase "big flutes" could be further described to provide more clarity and precision.

- The sentence "These types of speakers are called ported speakers because the holes act as ports" could be rephrased for better flow and coherence.

- The phrase "delivering a substantial sound" could be revised to sound more academic.

- The sentence "People are drawn to the deep bass produced by these speakers, which is why companies market and sell them" could be expanded to provide more explanation and support for the statement.

- The sentence "It is important for you to expand your knowledge about speakers, so in this essay, I will explain why ported speakers are considered disadvantageous" could be rephrased to sound more encouraging and motivating.

6. Comment:

Great job on discussing the topic of speakers and their different types. You  have a good understanding of the concept of ported speakers and their appeal to people who enjoy big bass. In order to improve your academic writing, focus on using more specific and precise language. Additionally, work on expanding your ideas and providing more detailed explanations to support your arguments. Keep up the good work and continue to develop your skills as a writer of academic English!


Hello, this is Bing. I'm here to help you improve your academic writing skills.??

Let's take a look at your text and see how we can make it better.

1. Original Text: Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.

2. Usage Correction: Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big flutes and make big bass sounds. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sounds although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and companies sell these speakers for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that do not have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speakers. So I will explain why ported speakers are bad in this essay.

3. Usage Issues: 

- fluto -> flutes

- sound -> sounds

- company -> companies

- speaker -> speakers

- doesn't -> do not

- I'll -> I will

4. Revision: Many people enjoy listening to music, but they have little knowledge of how speakers work. Speakers are devices that produce sound waves by vibrating air molecules. Some speakers have openings in their enclosures that allow air to flow in and out. These openings are usually circular, but they can also have different shapes. They create low-frequency sounds that enhance the bass effect. These speakers are known as ported speakers, because the openings are called ports. Ported speakers can produce loud sounds even if they are relatively small in size. This appeals to many consumers who prefer strong bass effects, and thus many manufacturers produce and market these speakers. However, not everyone likes ported speakers; some people prefer sealed box speakers that have no openings in their enclosures. They believe that openings degrade the quality of sound by creating distortion and noise. In this essay, I will argue that ported speakers are inferior to sealed box speakers and explain the reasons behind this claim.

5. Revision Issues:

- Replaced "love music" with "enjoy listening to music" to avoid informal language and vague expression.

- Added "they have little knowledge of how" to avoid using "anything" which is too general.

- Replaced "Do you know that" with "Speakers are devices that" to avoid rhetorical questions and provide a clear definition of the topic.

- Replaced "holes" with "openings" to avoid informal language and use a more precise term.

- Added "in their enclosures that allow air to flow in and out" to provide more details and explanation of the function of openings.

- Added "They create low-frequency sounds that enhance the bass effect" to explain the purpose and effect of openings.

- Replaced "by the way" with "These speakers are known as" to avoid informal language and use a more formal transition.

- Replaced "because holes are ports" with "because the openings are called ports" to avoid repetition and use a more precise term.

- Replaced "Because of ports" with "Ported speakers can" to avoid starting a sentence with a conjunction and use an active voice.

- Replaced "big sound" with "loud sounds" to avoid informal language and use a more specific adjective.

- Added "even if" to show contrast and emphasize the point.

- Replaced "People like big bass and companies sell these speakers for this reason" with "This appeals to many consumers who prefer strong bass effects, and thus many manufacturers produce and market these speakers" to avoid informal language and vague expressions, and use more precise terms and logical connectors.

- Added "However," to show contrast and introduce the opposing view.

- Replaced "like" with "prefer" to use a more formal verb.

- Added "that have no openings in their enclosures" to provide more details and explanation of the feature of sealed box speakers.

- Replaced "They know holes are bad for sound" with "They believe that openings degrade the quality of sound by creating distortion and noise" to avoid informal language and vague expressions, and use more precise terms and evidence.

- Replaced "You should know more about speakers" with "In this essay, I will argue that" to avoid using imperative sentences and provide a clear thesis statement.

- Added "and explain the reasons behind this claim" to provide a preview of the main points of the essay.

6. Comment: You have chosen an interesting topic for your essay and you have some good ideas about the differences between ported and sealed box speakers. However, your writing needs improvement in terms of language use, sentence structure, paragraph organization, and argument development. You should avoid using informal language such as slang words, contractions, rhetorical questions, etc., and use more precise and specific words instead. You should also check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation carefully before submitting your work. Moreover, you should pay attention to how you organize your sentences into a coherent paragraph that has a clear topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. You should also provide more details and evidence to support your claims and make your arguments stronger. I hope you find my feedback helpful and I encourage you to revise your essay accordingly. Keep up the good work!


Original Text

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.

Usage Correction

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Did you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are large and make a big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because the holes are ports. Because of the ports, these speakers can produce a large sound even though they are not very large in size. People like a big bass sound, and that is why companies sell these speakers. However, some people prefer sealed box speakers that do not have holes. They know that holes are bad for sound. You should learn more about speakers. In this essay, I will explain why ported speakers are bad.

Usage Issues

Code snippet

* "Fluto" should be "flute".

* "Speaker" should be "speakers".

* "Company" should be "companies".

* "Speaker" should be "speakers".

* "Speaker" should be "speakers".

* "Sound" should be "sounds".


Many people love music, but do not know much about speakers. Did you know that many speakers have holes? These holes are usually round, but sometimes they are not. The holes are large and make a big bass sound. These speakers are called ported speakers because the holes are ports. Ported speakers can produce a large sound even though they are not very large in size. People like a big bass sound, and that is why companies sell these speakers. However, some people prefer sealed box speakers that do not have holes. They know that holes are bad for sound. You should learn more about speakers. In this essay, I will explain why ported speakers are bad.

Revision Issues

Code snippet

* The essay could be more concise.

* The essay could be more specific.

* The essay could be more persuasive.


You have a good understanding of the topic, and you are able to communicate your ideas clearly. However, your writing could be improved by making it more concise, specific, and persuasive. You can do this by using stronger verbs, more specific nouns, and more vivid adjectives. You can also improve your writing by using more evidence to support your claims. Overall, you are a good writer, and I am confident that you will continue to improve with practice.





以下のプロンプトを大幅に改訂したVer. 2を公開しました。以下のプロンプトよりもはるかに高性能ですから、ぜひこの記事ではなく下のVer. 2の記事をご参照ください。(下の記事は記録のために残しておきます)。


ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト (Ver.2) 

-- まず文法・句読点・綴りの添削を出力し、次に文体的な改訂を出力するようにしました。




ChatGPTが出力する英語の改訂例のレベルが高すぎると感じる場合は、プロンプトの"a college instructor" を "a high school instructor" か "a middle school instructor" に変更してください。詳しくは下の「プロンプトの変種」と「実例3」と「実例4」を御覧ください。



■ 効果






■ プロンプト(2023/05/23版:プロンプトは予告なしに改修することがあります)


You're a college instructor of academic English. 


Academic writing must use formal language.

Words in academic writing must be specific and strong.

Sentences in academic writing must be correct in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Sentences in academic writing cannot be too short (choppy) or too long. 

Expressions in academic writing must be clear, correct, and concise.

Arguments in academic writing must be logical and coherent.


Your goal is to help students become sophisticated writers of academic English.


You have two tasks.

#1. Identify problems in the text delimited by three dashes and explain all of these problems to your student.

#2. Revise the text to overcome the problems in #1, without adding new information or argument to the text.


Use the following format: 

Original Text: <The text delimited by three dashes>

Problems: <Response to the task #1>

Revision: <Response to the task #2>




■ プロンプトの変種(高校版と中学版)(2023/05/24に追加)

もし大学生レベルの英語を要求するこのプロンプトが出力する英語のRevision(下にある実例1:GPT-4を使用と実例2:GPT-3.5を使用)を見て英語のレベルが高すぎると思われた場合は、上のプロンプトの「@ROLE」の "a college instructor" を "a high school instructor" か "a middle school instructor" に変更してください



■ 実例1:GPT-4を使って米国大学生英語のレベルで指導(注1)


やや低レベルの英語(注)を入力した場合の出力 (GPT-4)


Original Text: Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.

Problems: The text has several issues pertaining to academic writing standards. First, the language used is informal and lacks specific and strong words. Phrases like "big fluto" and "big bass" are not specific and sound informal. Secondly, there are grammatical and punctuation errors. For instance, "company sell these speaker" should be "companies sell these speakers". Additionally, the verb agreement is incorrect in "speakers that doesn't have holes". The text also lacks clarity in some parts, such as "They are big fluto". Finally, the argument is not entirely logical and coherent. The text begins by stating that many people do not know about speakers, but then abruptly concludes that some people prefer sealed box speakers because they know holes are bad for sound.

Revision: Music is a universal passion, yet the technicalities of sound equipment, such as speakers, often remain an enigma to many. Have you ever noticed the circular openings in numerous speaker models? These, occasionally varying in shape, are technically known as ports, integral to what are referred to as ported speakers. The purpose of these ports is to enhance the bass output, thereby creating a more pronounced sound, even though the physical dimensions of the speakers themselves might be relatively compact. This amplified bass effect has commercial appeal, leading manufacturers to market these types of speakers extensively. However, a contrasting preference exists for sealed box speakers, which, in their absence of ports, offer a different sound quality. Some audiophiles argue that the lack of ports can provide a more controlled sound output. This essay will further delve into the argument against ported speakers, shedding light on their perceived disadvantages.

中級レベルの英語を入力した場合の出力 (GPT-4)

Original Text: Many music lovers do not care whether their loudspeakers have holes in the boxes. These openings, often circular and occasionally rectangular, are called bass-reflex ports. They function like a flute by emitting bass sounds. Loudspeakers with such ports, commonly known as ported speakers, produce massive bass sounds relative to their sizes. Consequently, most commercial loudspeaker manufacturers offer ported speakers as their voluminous bass sounds attract most consumers. However, some discerning music enthusiasts prefer sealed box speakers that lack ports. They recognize that ports often distort sound frequencies. Music lovers should educate themselves about the mechanics of loudspeakers. This essay explains how the unequal low-frequency resonance through bass-reflex ports is responsible for inaccurate music reproduction.


1. Informality: The term "holes in the boxes" is informal and vague. It would be more precise to say "openings in the speaker enclosures".

2. Repetition: The term "bass sounds" is repeated too often. It can be replaced with synonymous terms like "bass tones" or "bass output" to avoid repetition.

3. Passive voice: The phrase "are called" and "are responsible for" is in passive voice, which is not always clear or direct.

4. Word choice: The term "massive" is informal. A more formal and precise term such as "significant" or "pronounced" would be more appropriate.

5. Lack of specificity: The phrase "music lovers" is too broad and lacks specificity. It would be clearer to refer to "audiophiles" or "sound enthusiasts".

6. Lack of coherence: The final sentence introduces a new concept (unequal low-frequency resonance) without proper transition, making the paragraph less coherent.

Revision: A substantial number of sound enthusiasts seem indifferent to the presence of openings in their loudspeaker enclosures. These apertures, typically circular but occasionally rectangular, are known as bass-reflex ports. They operate analogously to a flute, emitting bass tones. Loudspeakers equipped with these ports, frequently referred to as ported speakers, generate pronounced bass output relative to their physical dimensions. As a result, a majority of commercial loudspeaker manufacturers market ported speakers, leveraging their powerful bass output to appeal to the consumer base. Nevertheless, some discerning audio aficionados show a preference for sealed box speakers, which do not feature ports. These individuals understand that ports can often result in frequency distortion. Audiophiles, therefore, would benefit from a deeper understanding of loudspeaker mechanics. The focus of this essay is to elucidate how the uneven low-frequency resonance, occurring through bass-reflex ports, can lead to an inaccurate reproduction of music.

■ 実例2:GPT-3.5を使って米国大学生英語のレベルで指導

やや低レベルの英語を入力した場合の出力  (GPT-3.5)

Original Text:

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.


1. Lack of formal language: The language used in the text is informal and lacks the formality required for academic writing.

2. Vague and imprecise language: The text uses imprecise and unclear language to describe speakers and their features.

3. Grammatical errors: There are several grammar errors in the text, including incorrect verb forms and inconsistent sentence structures.

4. Inconsistent use of punctuation: The text lacks consistent and appropriate use of punctuation marks.

5. Sentence structure issues: The text contains sentences that are too short and choppy, while others are too long and lack clarity.

6. Lack of clarity and conciseness: The expressions used in the text are not clear and concise, leading to confusion and wordiness.

7. Lack of logical coherence: The arguments presented in the text are not logically organized and lack coherence.


Many individuals have a deep appreciation for music, yet their understanding of speakers remains limited. Are you aware that speakers often incorporate ports, which are essentially holes? These ports can be either round or non-round in shape. They serve the purpose of enhancing the bass sound, resulting in a fuller auditory experience. Such speakers are commonly referred to as "ported speakers" due to the presence of these ports. Despite their relatively compact size, ported speakers are capable of producing a powerful sound, particularly favored by individuals who enjoy strong bass. However, there are those who prefer sealed box speakers that lack these ports, as they recognize the potential negative impact of holes on sound quality. It is crucial to develop a deeper understanding of speakers. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons why ported speakers are considered unfavorable.

Note: The revised text maintains the same meaning as the original text while addressing the identified problems.

中級レベルの英語を入力した場合の出力 (GPT-3.5)

Original Text:

Many music lovers do not care whether their loudspeakers have holes in the boxes. These openings, often circular and occasionally rectangular, are called bass-reflex ports. They function like a flute by emitting bass sounds. Loudspeakers with such ports, commonly known as ported speakers, produce massive bass sounds relative to their sizes. Consequently, most commercial loudspeaker manufacturers offer ported speakers as their voluminous bass sounds attract most consumers. However, some discerning music enthusiasts prefer sealed box speakers that lack ports. They recognize that ports often distort sound frequencies. Music lovers should educate themselves about the mechanics of loudspeakers. This essay explains how the unequal low-frequency resonance through bass-reflex ports is responsible for inaccurate music reproduction.


1. Inconsistent use of formal language: The text contains informal language such as "do not care" and "most consumers," which is not suitable for academic writing.

2. Lack of specificity and strength in word choice: The text uses general terms like "massive bass sounds" without providing precise details or strong descriptions.

3. Sentence structure issues: The sentences vary in length, and some are too short, leading to a choppy flow. Additionally, there are no punctuation or spelling errors.

4. Lack of clarity and conciseness: The text could be more concise and clear in expressing its ideas.

5. Lack of logical and coherent arguments: The essay lacks a clear argument or logical progression of ideas.


Many music enthusiasts disregard the presence of openings in their loudspeakers' enclosures. These apertures, commonly referred to as bass-reflex ports, come in various shapes, such as circular or rectangular. Similar to a flute, they serve the purpose of emitting bass sounds. Loudspeakers equipped with such ports, known as ported speakers, deliver substantial bass output relative to their compact sizes. Consequently, a majority of commercial loudspeaker manufacturers provide ported speakers to cater to the preference for powerful bass among consumers. However, certain discerning music enthusiasts favor sealed box speakers that lack these ports. They recognize the tendency of ports to distort sound frequencies. Therefore, it is crucial for music lovers to familiarize themselves with the mechanics of loudspeakers. This essay elucidates the role of unequal low-frequency resonance through bass-reflex ports in contributing to the inaccurate reproduction of music.

■ 実例3:GPT-4を使って米国の高校生と中学生の英語レベルで指導

@ROLEを "a high school instructor"にした高校生レベルの出力(GPT-4)


Original Text: Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.



1. Informal Language: The text uses phrases like "do you know" and "by the way," which are more suitable for conversational English rather than academic writing.

2. Vague and Weak Words: Words like "many", "big", "sometimes", and "some" are not specific or strong enough for academic writing. The term "big fluto" is unclear.

3. Grammar and Spelling Errors: There are several grammatical errors in the text, such as "company sell these speaker" and "speakers that doesn't have holes". Also, "speaker" is repeatedly used incorrectly in singular form when it should be plural, and "ported speaker" lacks an article before it.

4. Sentence Length: Some sentences are too short, making the text choppy, like "They are big fluto and make big bass sound."

5. Unclear Expressions: The text doesn't clearly explain certain concepts. For example, it doesn't explain why ports can be "bad" for sound, or what it means that ports can create a "big" sound.

6. Illogical Argument: The text makes an assertion that ported speakers are "bad" without giving any supporting evidence or explanation for this claim.

Revision: A significant number of music enthusiasts lack a deep understanding of speaker technology. For instance, speakers, specifically known as ported speakers, are often manufactured with ports—openings which could be circular or non-circular in design. These ports, typically sizable, enhance the bass output of the speakers. Despite the relatively compact size of these speakers, they produce a pronounced sound, predominantly due to these ports. The appeal of heightened bass prompts manufacturers to commercialize these ported speakers extensively. In contrast, a segment of consumers prefer speakers without ports, commonly referred to as sealed box speakers, grounded in their belief that ports compromise the audio quality. Expanding one's knowledge of speakers is beneficial, and this essay will delve into the reasons why ported speakers can potentially be disadvantageous.

@ROLEを "a middle school instructor"にした中学生レベルの出力(GPT-4)


Original Text: Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.


1. The text uses informal language, which is not appropriate for academic writing. Examples include phrases like "do you know" and "by the way".

2. The text has several instances of incorrect grammar. Examples include "many speakers have holes" instead of "many speakers have ports", "big fluto" which doesn't make sense, "they are not really big", and "company sell these speaker".

3. Some sentences are not clear, correct, and concise. For instance, "They are usually round, but sometimes not round" is not clear or precise.

4. There is a lack of specificity in word choice. Words like "big", "holes", and "things" are used repeatedly but do not provide clear information.

5. There is a lack of coherence in the argument. The text transitions abruptly between topics, making the argument hard to follow.

6. Lastly, the text contains spelling and punctuation errors, including missing plural forms and incorrect verb tenses.


Numerous individuals have a passion for music, yet lack a thorough understanding of the intricacies of speakers. It may surprise some to learn that a number of speaker designs incorporate ports, typically circular in shape, but occasionally differing in form. These openings, often substantial in size, are key to producing deep, resonant bass tones. Known as ported speakers, the inclusion of these ports allows for a magnified audio output despite the relatively compact size of the speaker itself. This characteristic of generating powerful bass is highly coveted by consumers, thus leading manufacturers to market these speakers prominently. On the other hand, a faction of audio enthusiasts prefer sealed box speakers, devoid of ports, under the conviction that the latter negatively impacts the sound quality. For the uninitiated, it is crucial to delve deeper into speaker design, particularly to understand the potential drawbacks of ported speakers, which will be elaborated in this essay.

■ 実例4:GPT-3.5を使って米国の高校生と中学生の英語レベルで指導

@ROLEを "a high school instructor"にした高校生レベルの出力(GPT-3.5)


Original Text: Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.


1. Lack of formal language: The language used in the text is informal and lacks the formal tone required for academic writing.

2. Lack of specificity: The text uses vague and general terms like "many people," "big bass sound," and "company" without providing specific details or references.

3. Incorrect grammar and punctuation: There are several instances of incorrect grammar, such as "These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports." The punctuation and capitalization are also inconsistent throughout the text.

4. Inconsistent sentence structure: The sentences vary in length and structure, resulting in choppy and unclear writing.

5. Lack of coherence and logical flow: The text lacks a clear structure and fails to provide a coherent argument or explanation.


Many individuals have a deep appreciation for music, yet their knowledge about speakers remains limited. Are you aware that speakers often incorporate openings? These openings, which can take various shapes, serve as ports for sound transmission. These speakers, commonly referred to as ported speakers, are highly sought after due to their ability to produce deep bass sounds. Interestingly, their size does not correspond to the magnitude of their sound output. The market caters to the demand for prominent bass by offering these speakers. However, some individuals prefer sealed box speakers that lack openings, as they believe openings negatively impact sound quality. It is essential to gain a deeper understanding of speakers. Consequently, this essay aims to explain the drawbacks associated with ported speakers.

@ROLEを "a middle school instructor"にした中学生レベルの出力(GPT-3.5)


Original Text:

Many people love music, but do not know anything about speakers. Do you know that many speakers have holes? They are usually round, but sometimes not round. They are big fluto and make big bass sound. These speakers, by the way, are called ported speakers, because holes are ports. Because of ports, these speakers make big sound although they are not really big in size. People like big bass and company sell these speaker for this reason. But some people like sealed box speakers that doesn't have holes. They know holes are bad for sound. You should know more about speaker. So I'll explain why ported speaker are bad in this essay.


1. Informal language: The text uses casual and informal language ("Do you know," "fluto") which is not appropriate for academic writing.

2. Lack of specificity: The text lacks specific details and explanations, making the content less informative.

3. Grammar and punctuation errors: There are several grammar and punctuation errors throughout the text.

4. Inconsistent sentence structure: The sentences vary in length and structure, resulting in choppiness and lack of coherence.

5. Lack of clarity and conciseness: The ideas in the text are not clearly expressed and could be more concise.


Many individuals have a passion for music, yet they often lack knowledge about speakers. Are you aware that speakers commonly feature openings? These openings, known as ports, are typically round, though occasionally they may have different shapes. Ports play a crucial role in enhancing the bass output of speakers. Despite their compact size, ported speakers are capable of producing powerful sounds. This is why they are sought after by individuals who appreciate deep bass, prompting companies to sell these speakers. However, some people prefer sealed box speakers that do not have any openings. They understand that openings can negatively impact sound quality. It is important to have a deeper understanding of speakers. In this essay, I will elaborate on the reasons why ported speakers are considered unfavorable.










1. 学生は授業中にAIを使わずに英語エッセイを書く。ただし辞書の参照や周りのクラスメートとの相談は可能。学生は授業終了時までにエッセイを書いたファイルをLMS (Learning Management System) に提出。

2. 教師は授業終了後に、上のプロンプトを使ってAIで学生のエッセイに対するフィードバックを自動生成する。教師はそのフィードバックをLMSで学生と共有する。(本来はこの過程も学生にやってほしいところですが、現時点ではすべての学生がChatGPT (GPT-4) を使えるわけではないので、教師がやります)。

3. 学生は次の授業でAIからのフィードバックを吟味し、納得できる点および納得できない点を根拠を示した上でレポートにまとめる。根拠はウェブ上のリソースなどから引用する。学生は授業終了時までにレポートを書いたファイルをLMSに提出。

4. 教師は授業終了後に、学生のレポートを読み、ハイライトやコメントでフィードバックを与える。教師はそのフィードバックをLMSで学生と共有する。(次の授業では学生はその教師からのフィードバックを読んだ上で、1の作業に戻る)。 












1. はじめに

- 京都大学自律的ユーザーへのインタビュー (https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english/interviews_jp)

2. 本発表の前提知識

2.1 規範様式と物語様式

- 1つの命題が真であることを論理的-科学的に論証することが規範となった近代

2.2 ウィトゲンシュタイン (W) の前期と後期

- 前期:極限まで論理的で科学的な言語のあり方を構想(同時にその限界を示唆)

- 後期:言語は特定の生活形式を共有する言語ゲームにおいて理解・考察されるべき

2.3 教授法比較実験研究・インタビュー質的研究・インタビュー全文公開実践の違い

- 量的研究と質的研究は共に研究者という単独の支配的な認識主体に基づく

- インタビュー全文公開実践は、複数の認識主体を働かせる探究的実践

3. W哲学からの認識論的考察

- 量的研究と前期W哲学の共通点:観察される世界には属しない認識主体

- 質的研究と前期W哲学の共通点:認識主体がたとえ自らを観察・記述したとしても、それが支配的な認識主体であることは変わらない

- インタビュー全文公開実践と後期W哲学の共通点:話し手・聞き手・読み手という複数の認識主体

- 後期W哲学は前期W哲学の堕落ではない:実践世界の事態は、家族的類似性で連綿とつながる

- 実践的記述は論理学を規範とするべきではない:観察・記述の対象は相互独立していない

- 言語の意味は、普遍的な論理空間における位置ではなく、それぞれの言語ゲーム実践において定まる

- 後期W哲学は、前期W哲学の特殊性を明らかにした

- 多文脈的で流動的な意味世界に普遍的な認識主体を求めない

- 意味世界を見るために「普遍的な真理の認識」という眼鏡を外す

4. 探究的実践についての発展的考察

- 探究的実践 (Exploratory Practice) はすべての当事者の行為主体性と権力拡充を尊重

- 探究的実践者は、超越的で特権的な観察・記述者とならず、実践共同体の中に留まる

- インタビュー全文公開は、結末を予測できない世界における「行為」である


5. おわりに

- 実践を思考する英語教育関係者は、研究という特権的な営みをどう定義すべきか





「有名10大学」というのは、安直に英国のTimes Higher Educationが行った2023年度の調査に基づいています。(こういったランキングの問題性についての批判的考察はここでは割愛します)。

World University Rankings 2023








また、最近公開されたAERA dotの記事で東京工業大学の益一哉学長が述べている以下のことばの含意についてもよく考えるべきです。










University of Oxford

Courses at Oxford (undergraduate)


Harvard University

Harvard Public Science Lecture Series 2018-2019


University of Cambridge

Cambridge Research


Stanford University

Stanford Online Videos


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT OpenCourseWare Playlists


California Institute of Technology

Caltech Home


Princeton University

Princeton University Research Playlists


University of California, Berkeley

UC Berkeley Research


Yale University

YaleCourses Playlists


Imperial College London

Imperial College London Home




Talks at Google











