
英検1級などのスピーチ試験対策用の2種類のChatGPTプロンプト:スピーチアウトライン作成用とスピーチ実践・改善用 (Ver. 1.2)

■ この記事の趣旨



■ 2種類のプロンプトの概要

2種類のプロンプトは、(1) 学習者がスピーチのアウトラインを作成する際に参考にするプロンプトと、(2) 学習者が実際にスピーチを行った音声を文字化してそのスピーチ原稿をさらに改善するプロンプトです。

(1) のプロンプト(「スピーチアウトライン作成用プロンプト」)は、スピーチの構成を考えようとすると、いわゆるwriter's blockのように急に思考停止して無駄に苦しむ学習者を支援するために作成しました。






もちろん、1-2分のスピーチの構想を立てるのはそれほど問題ない学習者もいるでしょう。そういった方はこの (1) のスピーチアウトライン作成用プロンプトは使わずに、(2) のプロンプトだけを使ってください。

(2) のプロンプト(「スピーチ実践・改善用プロンプト」)は、1-2分の英語はスピーチはなんとかできるものの、その語法面や話の展開において何とか質を高めたいと思っている人のためのプロンプトです。

Voice Contol for ChatGPTというChrome拡張機能を使って(注2)、ChatGPTに対してスピーチを音声で入力しますと、ChatGPTがそのスピーチを語法と論旨展開において改善した原稿を出力します。その改訂案を参考にしながらスピーチの練習をすることによって、学習者の英語表現の質が高まることを狙っています。

(注2)Voice Contol for ChatGPTのインストールおよび利用方法については以下の記事を御覧ください。





■ プロンプトの効果

概要:スピーチのトピックを入力すれば、英語圏で標準的とされている話の展開 (Introduction - Body - Conclusion) で、そのトピックでのスピーチのアウトラインが示されます。



■ スピーチアウトライン作成用プロンプト

2023/06/13版 (Ver. 1.1) :指定したトピックで使えそうな語彙(名詞・動詞・形容詞)も出力するようにしました。

2023/06/16版 (Ver. 1.1.1):微修正しました。実はユーザーがキーワードを指定して、少しは個性的なスピーチのアウトラインをChatGPTに作成させるようにプロンプト改良を試みたのですが、うまくゆきませんでした。やはり大規模言語モデルAIは無難な言語出力をさせるために使うのが一番いいようです(笑)。

2023/10/09版 (Ver. 1.2): プロンプトをコピペしてChatGPTとの会話がスタートした後に、ユーザーがトピックを入力するようにしました。



You are an English instructor and help your international students prepare for the speaking section of proficiency tests, such as TOEFL and IELTS.

Your students need help with an outline and vocabulary for a one-minute speech.


The outline lists items a one-minute speech should address about a given topic.

The outline has three sections: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

The body section should have two or three items.


--OUTLINE: Give an outline of a one-minute speech about the topic that the ChatGPT user provides later; do not give them a full speech draft, except for the first item in the introduction.

For the first item in the introduction, give a specific example of an attention-grabbing statement or a relevant quote.

--NOUNS: Give the base forms (the simplest forms without special endings) of 20 nouns that are most likely to be used in a speech about the topic.

--VERBS: Give the base forms (the present tense without special endings) of 20 verbs that are most likely to be used in a speech about the topic.

--ADJECTIVES: Give the base forms (the simplest forms without special endings) of 20 adjectives that are most likely to be used in a speech about the topic.


--OUTLINE:  <list format>

One blank line


-NOUNS: <In one successive line of a series of words divided by a comma. Do not use a list format.>

One blank line

-VERBS: <In one successive line of a series of words divided by a comma. 

Do not use a list format.>

One blank line

-ADJECTIVES: <In one successive line of a series of words divided by a comma. Do not use a list format.>


Greet briefly, ask the ChatGPT user the topic of the speech they want, and wait for their response. Do not decide the topic by yourself.


■ 使用上の注意

「A or B?」のトピックの場合:「A or B?」の形で問われたトピック(例:"Do you think technology has made our lives better or worse?")については、AかBかを決めた形にしてトピックを入力してください。(例:"Technology has made our lives worse.")。AIは、やはり主に英語圏のデータでトレーニングをされているせいか、「A or B」の形で熟考する弁証法的な論証よりも単純な主張の方が得意なようです(笑:注3)。


柳瀬陽介 (2020) 「機械翻訳はバベルの塔を築くのか--大学教育課程での英語ライティング授業からの考察」


いや、上の拙い論考よりも水村美苗先生の『増補 日本語が亡びるとき: 英語の世紀の中で』(ちくま文庫)を読んでいただいた方がよいでしょう。以下は、この本についての私のブログ記事です。



スピーチ冒頭の引用の信頼性について:イントロダクション冒頭の注意を引くための引用については、AIがでっちあげを生成した可能性があります。ですから、引用を言い換えて一般論として述べるか、◯◯ allegedly said, "..." ぐらいの緩衝表現 (hedge expression) を入れて使う方が無難でしょう。

■ 出力例

(GPT-3.5のChatGPTに、トピックとして"Technology has made our lives worse"を入力した場合)

Outline for a One-Minute Speech on "Technology has made our lives worse":


1. Attention-grabbing statement or relevant quote:

   - Example: "In the words of Albert Einstein, 'I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.'" This thought-provoking quote highlights the potential negative impact of technology on our lives.


2. First point: Loss of genuine human connection:

   - Explanation: Discuss how excessive reliance on technology, such as smartphones and social media, has led to decreased face-to-face interactions, diminished empathy, and a sense of isolation in society.

3. Second point: Negative effects on physical and mental health:

   - Explanation: Highlight how sedentary lifestyles, excessive screen time, and the constant exposure to virtual environments can contribute to various health issues, including obesity, eye strain, sleep disturbances, and mental health disorders.


4. Recap of main points:

   - Summarize the loss of genuine human connection and the negative impact on physical and mental health caused by technology.

5. Closing statement:

   - Emphasize the need for a balanced approach to technology usage, where individuals consciously limit their screen time, prioritize real-life interactions, and take steps to maintain their physical and mental well-being in an increasingly digital world.

Note: This outline provides a structure for a one-minute speech on the given topic. Students can expand on each point during the actual speech by providing supporting examples, statistics, personal experiences, or additional arguments.

追記 (2023/06/13)

Ver. 1.1が上のトピックで出力した語彙の例がこれです。


life, impact, relationships, technology, blessing, curse, world, effects, health, balance, fulfillment, devices, addiction, communication, isolation, privacy, society, progress, convenience, challenges


made, live, become, bless, curse, summarize, call, suggest, find, balance, fulfill, affect, communicate, isolate, progress, depend, connect, influence, improve, hinder


worse, negative, adverse, personal, physical, mental, fulfilling, technological, social, constant, addictive, isolating, private, innovative, convenient, challenging, virtual, digital, advanced, detrimental


■ プロンプトの効果








書いた原稿をスピーチ用に書き換えるためには、ただ単に "Revise the following text for oral delivery using the plain language style:"ぐらいのプロンプトを入れてください。

■ スピーチ実践・改善用プロンプト

2023/06/13版 (Ver. 1.1):Revisionの英語レベルを少し下げました。



You're a public speaking coach for speakers of English as a foreign language.

The proficiency level I'm aiming for is B1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Task 1: You'll receive my speech in my next entry. 

Task 2: After receiving my speech, you'll produce advice comments on grammar, vocabulary, and topic development. Do not mention other aspects, such as gestures, eye-contacts, intonation, punctuation, and visual aids.

Task 3: You'll produce a revised edition of my speech, which must be easily understandable for high school students in oral delivery; The revised edition should be unlike a written essay with excessive structural complexity, such as a long center-embedded clause. In other words, the revised edition adheres to the style of plain language, which many public agencies use to enhance accessibility.


You'll produce the three outputs below.

--Your Speech: <the result of Task 1 after its punctuation and capitalization are corrected>

--Comment: <the result of Task 2>

--Revision: <the result of Task 3>


Do you understand the instruction above? If so, say hello and ask me to give a speech, without mentioning that you understood the instruction above.

■ 使用上の注意

改訂英文のレベル調節について:プロンプトVer. 1.1のTask 3には "for high school students" という語句を追加することにより、改訂英文 (Revision) の水準をVer.1よりも少し落としました。あまり難しい語彙を使うことに積極的な意味が見出し難いからです。しかし、もしこのVer. 1.1の改訂英文のレベルも高いと思われるようでしたら、上の追加部分を "for middle school students" などに適宜変更してください。

オリジナル原稿の補正について:このプロンプトは、改訂版を出す前に、音声入力されたオリジナル原稿を句読点 (punctuation) と大文字化 (capitalization) で補正した版を出力するようにしています。ただ、この原稿補正の際に、句読点と大文字化以外の微細な補正も入ってしまうようです。ただし、利用者の発音の不備などによる単語の誤認識はそのまま残っているようです。



(1) は、トピックを決めて、ある程度スピーチができるぐらいの準備をするステップです。この時点で困難を覚える人は、上のスピーチアウトライン作成用プロンプトを使って自分なりの原稿やメモを作って練習しておいてください。

(2) は、上のプロンプトをChatGPTに入力するだけのことです。

(3) ではVoice Control for ChatGPT経由で、ChatGPTに向かってスピーチを音声入力してください。この際に原稿を読み上げたらスピーチの練習にはなりません。原稿もメモも見ずにしゃべってください。また制限時間の感覚を得るために、ストップウォッチを手元に置いておくとよいでしょう。時間制限のこともあり、真っ白になりがちな頭の中から、なんとか自力で英語を紡ぎ出すこの経験は決定的に重要なので上の表では赤色で表示しています。

(4) はChatGPTからのフィードバックから学ぶ時期です。ChatGPTの改訂案から習得すべき英語表現を見つけ出してそれについて学びを深めてください。そして改訂案をもとに自分で表現できるようになりたい英文を確定してください。

 (5)では、上の確定英文を何度も音読したりして表現を身につけるようにしてください。丸暗記を狙うよりも、自分なりに英文の意味を味わいながら表現できるように音読練習を重ねることがよいでしょう。この際の発音の適格性を確かめるために、OtterやGoogle DocumentのVoice Typingなどを併用してもいいでしょう。

(6) においては、(4) と (5) での学びがある程度身についたかどうかを判断してください。ある程度の自信がつけば、(3)に戻ってもう一度何も見ずにスピーチを音声入力してください。以下、再び (4) と (5) の学びを通じて、何も参照しない状況での即興能力の質を高めてください。厳密に言いますと、同じトピックを繰り返し話しているわけですから純粋なる即興発言ではありませんが、訓練ですから、(3) から (5) のプロセスを繰り返すことをお勧めします。

■ 出力例


Your Speech: Today, I want to talk about how Miles Davis was a legendary jazz musician whose creativity is compared to nobody else. He started his career as a jazz player in the band of Charlie Parker, another genius jazz musician who started modern jazz in a sense. He learned the basics of jazz music in the band but later had his own band, and his music became quite different from Charlie Parker's. Miles Davis' new jazz used fewer notes and was more quiet, but nevertheless, his music was intense, and the audience could sense the power within it. A good example is his album "Kind of Blue." The first track starts with a very quiet solo bass sound, which was very simple, but the audience could anticipate the exciting music that would come later. He then changed his style in the '70s, turning to electric music influenced by rock and roll. The new electric Miles shocked many of his fans because the music sounded so chaotic to them. However, that music was such an innovation. He expanded the potential of jazz dramatically. In the '80s, he further changed his style. He remained electric but returned to a style with fewer turns. This new Miles in the '80s attracted a wider audience. His career shows how he can be innovative and creative. That is why many experts agree that Miles Davis was a legendary jazz player who changed the history of jazz music.

Comment:  Overall, your speech provides a good overview of Miles Davis as a legendary jazz musician. Here are some comments to improve your grammar, vocabulary, and topic development:

1. Try to vary your sentence structures and lengths to make your speech more engaging. Currently, some of your sentences are quite long and can be challenging to follow.

2. When introducing Charlie Parker, you mention that he started modern jazz "in a sense." It would be helpful to clarify this point or rephrase it for better clarity.

3. Instead of saying Miles Davis' new jazz used "fuel" notes, it seems you meant "fewer" notes. Please correct this typo.

4. In the sentence "The Power Within it," consider using "power" as a noun instead of capitalizing it to maintain consistency.

5. Provide more specific examples or details about how Miles Davis' music was intense and showcased his creativity.

6. When discussing his album "Kind of Blue," explain why it was significant and influential in the context of his career and jazz history.

7. When describing Miles Davis' change to electric music in the '70s, clarify how it was different from his previous style and highlight the impact of this change.

8. Explain further why his shift to electric music in the '70s was considered innovative and how it expanded the potential of jazz.

9. In the sentence "He remained Electric but return to the style of fewer turns," it would be clearer to mention the specific style he returned to.

10. Finally, include specific examples or evidence of how Miles Davis' career influenced and changed the history of jazz music.

Revision: Today, I would like to talk about the legendary jazz musician Miles Davis and his unparalleled creativity. Miles Davis began his career as a jazz player in Charlie Parker's band, a genius jazz musician who is credited with pioneering modern jazz. While Davis learned the fundamentals of jazz music in Parker's band, he eventually formed his own band and developed a distinct style that set him apart. Miles Davis' innovative approach to jazz involved using fewer notes and creating a quieter ambiance, yet his music remained intensely powerful, resonating deeply with the audience.

One notable example of his genius is his album "Kind of Blue," particularly the first track. It starts with a simplistic, yet captivating solo bass sound, allowing the audience to anticipate the exciting musical journey that lies ahead. Davis' exploration didn't stop there. In the 1970s, he embarked on a new direction, embracing electric music heavily influenced by rock and roll. This transition shocked many of his fans, as the music sounded chaotic compared to his previous work. However, this marked a pivotal moment of innovation in his career, dramatically expanding the possibilities and potential of jazz music.

Continuing into the 1980s, Miles Davis maintained an electric style while returning to a more focused approach. This shift in his music attracted a wider audience, solidifying his status as a groundbreaking artist. His ability to constantly reinvent himself and push the boundaries of jazz exemplifies his innovative and creative spirit. It is for these reasons that experts widely consider Miles Davis a legendary jazz musician who forever transformed the history of this genre.

Please note that the revised speech aims to be easily understandable in oral delivery and focuses on maintaining a clear and concise structure.


以下は、 Ver 1.1による改訂例です。


Today, I want to talk about how Miles Davis was an unparalleled jazz musician whose creativity is unmatched. He began his career as a jazz player in Charlie Parker's band, another genius jazz musician who played a pivotal role in the development of modern jazz. While playing with Parker, Davis learned the fundamentals of jazz music. However, as he formed his own band, his music took a distinctive direction diverging from Parker's style.

Davis' innovative jazz compositions embraced a minimalist approach, employing sparse notes and a quieter ambiance. Despite its subtlety, his music exuded an intense power that resonated with the audience. A remarkable illustration of this is his iconic album "Kind of Blue." The opening track features a simple yet captivating solo bass sound that hints at the forthcoming excitement.

In the 1970s, Davis underwent a significant transformation, transitioning to electric music influenced by the rock and roll genre. This new electric sound shocked many of his fans, as it seemed chaotic to them. However, it represented a groundbreaking innovation, expanding the boundaries of jazz dramatically.

In the 1980s, Davis continued his exploration of electric music while adopting a style characterized by fewer intricacies. This evolution in the '80s appealed to a broader audience, further exemplifying Davis' ability to innovate and create. It is the testament to his innovative and creative spirit that has led experts to regard Miles Davis as a legendary jazz musician who indelibly changed the course of jazz history.






【大幅改訂】ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト(Ver.2) -- まず文法・句読点・綴りの添削を出力し、次に文体的な改訂を出力するようにしました。




「ChatGPT英会話・初級者用」のプロンプトです。中3~高2レベルの英語力で、ChatGPTと(音声)会話できます。(プロンプト Ver. 2に改訂)




